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I. Retail & Wholesale

| Select Your Personal Favourite |
植物零售及批發 |

We provide a wide range of indoor and outdoor plants as well as gardening accessories for your selections.

1.  Retail & Wholesale

- Select Your Personal Favourite - 
We provide a wide range of indoor and outdoor plants as well as gardening accessories for your selections. 

2.  Soft Landscape Design

- Customise Your Unique Jungle  -  
If you are looking for design and construction consultancy for your garden, restaurant, store, etc.,
don't hesitate to drop us a message ! 


3. Maintenance 

- Make Your Jungle Beauty Ever Lasting -
We also provide maintenance and consultancy service for individuals and projects of different scales.
- For single plant decor at home, feel free to DM us for daily care advice.
- For soft landscape maintenance, please email us for further details.